Photographer no no

By gregebersole

October 24, 2010

Category: Travel

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Late this morning, I walked to the ciclovida, which I often do on Sundays. I always enjoy walking with the crowds on the streets which are closed to traffic. I always take my little point and shoot camera and always find good photos. Today, I saw this photographer setting up every photo he took. I was appalled as I continued to follow and watch him. I almost decided to talk to him for awhile, but decided not to. I eventually was close enough to read his identification tag he wore. I was shocked to learn that he was a photographer for the Cali newspaper, El País. He had consistently positioned people the way he wanted them for his photo. He picked out people and grouped them together for photos. Nothing was real or found. As a newspaper photographer for years, my career actually, I could hardly stomach it. I’ve see local news photographers as well as television photographers here constantly set up photos. Why can’t photographers simply use their heads and work to get a good photo? Why set something up that is fake and never as good as a “found” photo? The only photos I’ve ever set up for my newspapers are food illustrations or fashion photos. If something is set up, it was always identified as that in the newspaper. Sometimes, I have worked a situation that I knew would provide a good photo, often for a half hour or more. I was always anticipating what would happen and when it did I was ready to push the shutter button. Many times, I was in the right place at the right time and I was “given” the photo. All I had to do was see it and press the button at the right time. I believe a lot of my best photos had some amount of luck in them. Often the luck comes if you are patient and ready for the photo. I really enjoy wandering around and looking for interesting, fun or funny photos. It’s like hunting with a camera. You’re looking for something different or unusual or just a slice of life wherever you may be. That’s what is so fun and exciting about photography. Capturing real moments!

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