
By gregebersole

August 1, 2012

Category: Travel

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Yesterday, I was walking along Avenida Roosevelt when I saw this scene. The shop behind the woman sells costumes and decorations for parties. I just thought this was pretty unusual looking.

I didn’t write about it yet, but last Thursday was a good night at Tin Tin Deo. A few friends had birthdays to celebrate. I had walked in with two friends and hadn’t even sat down when I was asked to dance. I was pulled onto the dance floor by a woman friend who teaches salsa dance here. She’s very good. I think she grabbed me so quickly because there weren’t any other guys there yet who could dance salsa en linea, or LA style. We had a great dance and I was practically out of breath afterwards. With her, I have to work hard, giving her lots of turns and spins and dips, etc. From then on, I was asked to dance a lot. It was one of those good dance nights. Sometimes, there are too many guys or I don’t know that many women and it’s not as good a night.

I’m still waiting to see if I get to visit the offices of the newspaper, El País, and talk to the director of photography. After meeting him at the photography conference, he said we’d talk. I’ve now called him a few times and he has said to call back later or another time. Yesterday, he asked if I was calling on my phone. I said yes and he said he’d call me Friday. I will be surprised if he actually does. In Colombia, a lot of times people say they’ll call you and they don’t. I really would like to see if there is a chance of some freelance photography work for them. If so, I would decide to come back to Cali for more time. Right now, I may return in October after my two month trip to the states. I may only stay a few months. I may also travel to Venezuela then for a short time. A lot of things are up in the air right now. For the first time in 3 years, I feel a little uncertain or conflicted about living in Cali for another year. A friend of mine who owns and runs a hostal in Mompos, Colombia said that is normal after about 3 years. You start analyzing and thinking a lot about your life and what you want to do. Part of me is ready for a change. The other part of me still likes living here. I would miss my friends. I can’t walk anywhere now without running into people I know. My friends tell me, “don’t leave!” And they say that I’m Caleño and I live here now.

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